September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Christopher!

Eight years ago today, Hurricane Jeanne was bearing down on Florida’s coast and I was in labor at Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville. At 1:01 pm, Christopher Thomas stormed into our lives in a whirlwind. He was one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen in my life. He wasn’t all scrunchy and red like most newborns; he looked like a baby doll.

As I’ve watched him grow, I am sometimes amazed that I can still see that same beautiful baby doll face in the big boy’s face I see today. I still think he’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.

The saying about no two children being alike was made with my boys in mind, I think. My two couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. When his big brother was little, I could leave him sitting on the floor watching TV and walk out of the room for a minute, never worrying that he’d get into trouble. Christopher, on the other hand, taught me from that first day 8 years ago that I should never underestimate him.

Like many babies, Christopher had jaundice when he was born and as a result, had to be under the UV lights in the nursery. Since he was born during a hurricane, the hospital was packed with other moms also giving birth. One morning, I counted over 40 other babies in the nursery. The nurses told me to go get some sleep and they’d take care of him. But I couldn’t sleep; not after having him literally right next to my heart for the previous 9 months. Not knowing that out of 40 babies, MY baby was the only one who had to stay in the nursery. So I stood outside the nursery looking at him through the windows. I just stood there watching over him. Finally, after it became apparent that I wasn’t going to let him out of my sight, one of the nurses took pity on me and let me sit in a rocking chair next to him. Thank God for sympathetic nurses who understand that some Mamas just NEED their babies!

It was raining sideways so there was water seeping in on the 4th floor and the wind was howling like a banshee, but I will never forget those precious moments alone at 3am just watching him sleep.

Christopher has always been my mischievous one. He’s the kid who, when he was not quite 2, brought me some cookies and fed them to me.

I remember thinking how sweet he was… and then I remembered that those particular cookies had been on top of the refrigerator. Not only had he gotten them down, he’d opened the package with a pair of scissors! Speaking of scissors- he’s my kid who cut his own hair… right down to the scalp!

He has a sweet, sweet spirit and a tender heart. He doesn’t hesitate to help others. He’s a fiercely loyal brother and friend. He loves his big brother dearly but won’t hesitate to put a smack-down on him with a quickness. He’s very independent and likes being so.

He’s quite creative and is quick to argue his side to get his way. He’s not above using charisma to get his way either- this kid could charm the fleas off a dog!

He has a quirky sense of humor and finds the funny in almost every situation. He has a way of seeing the amusement that everyone else missed.

He isn’t Chris- he’s Christopher, thank you very much. Slightly pretentious maybe, but his name suits him; as does his nickname, Crisper. When he was a baby, I objected because I thought it made him sound like a head of lettuce, but it was too late- the name had already stuck. Now, I think the uniqueness fits him.

He’s an A student. Last year, he got one B on his report card and came home in tears. I said, “It’s okay, buddy! ‘B’ doesn't mean ‘bad’!” He replied, “I know, Mom, but it’s my first one!”

He is adventurous. He’s a foodie. This kid loves trying new foods. After trying a new dish recently, he told me, “Well, I didn’t really like it but I think I should have a little more just to make sure.”

Christopher is truly a wonderful and amazing person and I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him in it. For that matter, I can’t really remember what life was like before him. He makes me laugh, he makes my heart smile, he makes me cry tears of joy, and he makes me extremely proud to be his Mama.

Happy Birthday, my sweet Crisper! I love you more than you’ll ever know.

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