Seven Grandmothers

Some people never know their grandparents, much less their great- and great-great grandparents, but I knew six of the seven grandmothers who were alive when I was a kid.

No, really, I'm serious.

Here they are...
Grandma Mary (Mama's mother)
Grandma Clarice (Mama's Daddy's mother- this is one I didn't know)
Grandma Charlotte (Daddy's Mama)
Neenah aka Eleanor (Charlotte's mother)
Grandma Helen (Charlotte's mother in law)
Grandma Parker (Helen's mother)
Gran aka Lynda (Daddy's step-mother)

I know, I know, you say "steps" don't count, but I say you're wrong. I say family doesn't have to be of the blood, it can be of the heart. Gran is just as much my Grandmother as the ones I was born to and I love her regardless. Sorry if you don't agree but this is my blog. Write your own and disagree, if you'd like. ;)

Sometime over the next few months I will be writing blogs about each of them and the impact they had on my life. I honestly feel sorry for those who didn't know their Grandmothers.

I think a girl needs a Grandma. Who else will she go to when Mama says no? Who else will feed her banana-mayonnaise sandwiches and Cokes in the little bottles? Who else knows her favorite dessert is blueberry cream pie and always makes sure to have one in the fridge when she comes to visit? Who else will baby her like an infant when she is "sick" and wants to stay home from school?

No one but Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. A Step is still a Grandma in my book. My dad's mom died when he was 3 months old, due to complications from his birth. My Granny was his step-mom, but was the only Grandma I knew. My mom's mom died 2 months before she married my dad, and my Great grandma, my mom's Grandma died 2 months before I was born. I have my Grandma Hook, and I consider her my Grandma too. She's been Grandma my whole life, she is my cousin's Grandma (my dad's brother's Mother in law).
    I can't wait to read your stories of how your many Grandma's effected your life. I was never lucky enough to have a Grandma involved in my day to day life.
